Experience a landscape of visions crafted by practitioners, where preferable scenarios inspire and guide the future evolution of transnational arts and culture.
This website is home to a series of insights and visions created during workshops and knowledge sharing activities within the Nordic Culture Fund's funding initiative Globus during 2023-2024.
An important aim of the initiative has been to develop a more open-ended approach to supporting transnational collaborations, supported by ongoing learning and knowledge building activities.
During 2023, 14 projects participated in a series of knowledge sharing activities online, resulting in a series of insights collected in a Knowledge Report launched in early 2024. These insights created the foundation of a physical Hackathon in June 2024, where 21 practitioners from granted Globus initiatives, coming from different parts of the globe got together to envision the international culture and arts field 12 years into the future.
With the knowledge gained through Globus we hope to inspire new conversations about future practices and ways to support cultural exchanges across different geographies and cultural contexts, both within and outside the Nordics.
Click on each vision landscape to explore the future scenarios co-created at the Globus Hackathon in June 2024.