Globus Knowledge

Learning from the experiences of transnational cultural practitioners within Globus

→ Explore the research
Research Question
”How does working as a cultural practitioner within a global, complex, and constantly evolving environment shape collaborative artistic practice
- and what can be learned from this?”


This website explores and shares insights on current challenges and potentials within transnational artistic and cultural collaborations.

The research is based on the inputs and documentation provided by the grantees of the Nordic Culture Fund's Globus programme during 2023. The knowledge is specific to the 14 projects who attended the process and builds on the situated experiences expressed by the various practitioners and experts.

The key insights are presented through four central dimensions, each of which include a set of pathways and opportunity spaces that have been identified. These are meant as a source of inspiration and reflection that can guide and inform future practice, programmes and initiatives that seek to work within transnational artistic and cultural space.

The dimensions address prevailing issues in cultural policies and existing funding programmes that might stand in the way of more purposeful and reciprocal collaborations. Additionally, they outline a new narrative that emphasises the importance of long-term, process-based and flexible approaches to supporting cultural and artistic collaborations.

→ About the process
Explore the dimensions

The research has led us to investigate 4 dimensions that express potentials and challenges related to transnational artistic and cultural practice. Each of these dimensions are unfolded into 3 pathways as well as some opportunity spaces to explore.

Click on each dimension to explore further.

What is Globus?

Globus is The Nordic Culture Fund's thematic funding initiative 2020-2025, designed to give artists and cultural actors new opportunities to engage incross-border collaborations and foster genuine cultural exchange inincreasingly complex and rapidly changing global environments.

Globus was launched shortly before the world was hit by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the aim to facilitate deep and sustainable networks possessing global relevance, thus paving the way for new and flexible approaches to temporality and open-ended practices in the tradition of arts funding. With Globus, we are turning our gaze outwards, bringing art and culture into global arenas, and giving artists and cultural practitioners new opportunities to seek support. The focus is on collaborations that simultaneously embrace both the local and the global.

→ About Globus & the projects