Pluri Ping Pong

"We were talking a lot about landscape and that everybody comes from a very specific context. They see the landscape differently. They embody the landscape differently, and they are within a different landscape. So this idea of equality from the beginning is never possible, but the fact is that we can appreciate each other's places and beings and that we can meet in the middle of the bridge. So the bridge was also our other metaphor."

Vision Statement 2036

In 2036, equality is not an abstract flat ground, but a recognition of diverse landscapes where all have free & just opportunities to full & respectful participation.

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Scenario story

Today in 2036, equality is not a condition everyone shares uniformly from the start, like a ground zero. Instead, natural and societal conditions vary—some places lack water while others have abundance. Equality today, means addressing these specific needs and conditions, acknowledging the unique landscapes each individual inhabits.

The transnational ping pong and art project exemplifies these principles, led by diverse teams from multiple countries. It embodies the playful yet profound interaction of cultures, fostering a global community that thrives on diversity and collaboration.

In this future, the transnational arts and culture sector flourishes in a landscape rich with varied terrains, interconnected by bridges of understanding, sustained by equitable and accessible resources, and animated by the dynamic, inclusive spirit of Pluri Ping Pong.

Ping pong serves as a fitting metaphor for the collaboration that has flourished in this diverse world of 2036. The game's back-and-forth mirrors the interactions in collaborative efforts, where each player brings unique attributes, equipment, and styles. The playing field is perceived as level, but it differs for each person, reflecting their unique contexts and perspectives. Everyone comes from a distinct context, embodying and viewing their landscapes differently. True equality today, recognizes these differences and strives for understanding and connection.

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Strata - structures supporting this future

In 2036 effective structures, tools and technologies exist for decision making and social interaction:

+ Councils by Sortition: Random selection of non-expert participants for decision-making, ensuring diverse and democratic representation. 

+ Structured Jury Processes: Expert panels for specific decision-making tasks, with delegates who can be re-delegated, ensuring flexibility and renewal.

The importance of meeting halfway, appreciating each other's places and ways of being.

All of the landscapes takes inspiration in the research project of the Globus 2023 cohort.

This landscapes takes inspiration from

Fostering the Human Foundation of Equal Collaborations